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Divorces are one of the hardest life experiences our clients endure. Evolve Family Law attorneys will guide you through the process with compassion and expertise to ensure the protection of your rights and a confident transition into the next phase of your life. As negotiated agreements can lessen the impact of divorce, we strive to resolve your case amicably and efficiently with a favorable settlement.  If settlement is not possible, we will zealously fight for you in court and have earned the respect of judges and local attorneys for our victories. 

Divorces address the division of marital property, child custody, child support, and alimony. Whether your situation is complex or straight-forward, we have decades of experience navigating the issues that arise. We routinely handle complex divorces involving high-assets, separate property, high-conflict custody, business valuations, hidden assets, and domestic violence. Our expert knowledge of the law and local courts informs our strategy to allay your concerns at every step.

Please call 404-909-8300 to set up an attorney consultation at Evolve Family Law.  Our attorneys want to hear about your unique situation and put your mind at ease in formulating a clear and thoughtful plan of action.

Paper cutout of family with scissors.

Child Custody & Parenting Time

We know how important your children are to you and understand the personal and complex nature of child custody disputes. Revered in the metro-Atlanta legal community for their expertise in this area, our attorneys will build the strongest case for a plan that honors the relationship you have with your children, optimizes your time with them, and secures your role in big decisions. 

We strive to foster healthy co-parenting relationships for clients and strive to negotiate an agreement in your child’s best interests. If a judge is needed to resolve a custody matter, however, our attorneys have extensive courtroom experience in high-conflict custody cases and will fight tirelessly for you and your children.  

Evolve Family Law attorneys welcome the opportunity to hear more about your custody or parenting time matter and provide you with a path forward.  Please call us at 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation.

Mother embracing and kissing young daughter on the cheek

Guardian Ad Litem

Guardians ad Litem (GALs) represent the best interests of children in custody disputes.  Appointed by judges in cases with custody issues, GALs investigate and make custody recommendations in furtherance of a child’s best interests.  Once concluded, GAL investigations frequently promote agreements, keeping parties and their families out of court.  We have decades of experience working with GALs in our clients’ cases and serving as GALs when appointed.  

Dawn Smith is widely respected as one of the best GALs in the State of Georgia and has served countless children and families through this role.  She has trained hundreds of GALs in Georgia.  Given Dawn’s invaluable expertise, Evolve Family Law attorneys know exactly how to best position a client’s case for custody when a GAL is involved.  

If you have questions about the Guardian ad Litem process, please call 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation with an Evolve Family Law attorney.

Child Support

Child support is an essential aspect of family law cases involving minor children.  Child support is dependent on state guidelines and based mostly on the incomes of the parties and the needs of the children. Evolve Family Law attorneys are well-versed in the intricacies of child support law and fight to ensure the best outcomes for our clients and their children.  

Child support matters can be nuanced and complex.  To discuss your child support issue and understand your rights, please call 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.

Property Division

The division of marital property and debt must occur in divorce.  Marital property includes anything obtained by either party during the marriage, with a couple exceptions.  Non-marital property generally is anything obtained by a party before marriage and anything gifted to or inherited by a party during marriage.  In Georgia, marital property and debts are divided equitably, meaning fairly.  

Determining the marital or separate property interests for complex assets like family businesses, restricted stock units, and trusts, for example, require a specialized knowledge of the law and may warrant the use of a forensic accountant.  We have decades of practice representing individuals in both high-asset divorces and divorces with moderate marital estates. We strongly encourage you to consult with one of our experienced attorneys to pursue all options in protecting your financial future.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with us about your needs.

Woman pulling wedding ring off of her ring finger with her hands on a table between a model car and home on either side.


Alimony, also known as spousal support, can be awarded when one spouse is financially dependent on the other. When alimony is awarded, its usual purpose is to assist the recipient spouse until they can become self-sufficient.  The most important factors courts consider in deciding whether to award alimony are a party’s need for alimony and the other party’s ability to pay. Pursuing or defending a claim for alimony is complicated and requires a clear strategic path.  Our attorneys understand the complexities at play and commonly negotiate or litigate successful alimony outcomes for our clients.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with us about your needs.

Open books stacked on top of each other.


Circumstances can significantly change after a divorce or other final order such that a modification of custody, parenting time, child support, or alimony is needed. For example, material changes impacting the best interests of the children can warrant a modification of custody. Material changes impacting a parent’s income or the needs of the children can require a modification of child support. Our attorneys are seasoned litigators in both the pursuit and defense of modification actions and will ensure that you and your children’s interests are protected.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 if your situation involves a modification action.

Parent pushing child on bicycle

Legitimation & Paternity

Many children are born to unwed parents in today’s modern society, and the rights of unwed parents are different than those of married parents. In Georgia, fathers to children born outside of marriage must “legitimate” their children through the courts to secure custody and inheritance rights. Mothers to children born outside of a marriage can seek child support through a paternity action.  Paternity confirms the identity of the biological father. Once paternity is established, child support can be awarded regardless of whether the child has been legitimated.   

We have trusted expertise with the intricacies of Georgia’s unique laws in this area and are highly regarded in the legal community for our work in securing custody and child support rights.   Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with one of our attorneys about your specific needs.

Father and son smiling.

Domestic Violence & Stalking

Domestic violence and stalking can expose survivors to extreme danger and children to severe trauma.  We can help you obtain safety and economic support through a protective order. Our attorneys are committed to putting an end to the cycle of violence for our clients and have obtained countless protective orders through the courts. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence or stalking, we will fight to protect your rights and reputation.

Our attorneys carefully consider all legal options in determining the best path forward in these cases. If you would like to speak with a Evolve Family Law attorney about domestic violence or stalking, please call 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation.

Purple ribbon on a purple background


A contempt action may be needed if a party refuses to abide by a court order. Judges enforce their court orders in contempt actions and can penalize parties refusing to comply. Whether your contempt action involves custody, child support, domestic violence, property division, or alimony, our attorneys will fight to ensure the enforcement of your court order.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with an attorney about contempt and the best path forward for you.

Two people standing facing opposite directions with their arms crossed.


At mediation, parties and their attorneys work with a mediator to resolve their family law issue through agreement.  Mediation can occur prior to or during a court case and is a cost-effective way to resolve your case outside of the courtroom. Our attorneys have proven success in negotiating favorable outcomes for clients through mediation. Since resolving family law matters through agreement is often in the best interests of clients and their children, we do everything in our power to craft mediated solutions that protect our clients’ interests.  

Dawn Smith is highly respected by her peers in the legal community as an effective mediator.  Dawn is frequently requested to serve as mediator by prominent family law attorneys due to her decades of family law practice, familiarity with local judges, and expertise regarding special education issues and Guardian ad Litem work.  

Please call 404-909-8300 to learn more about mediation.

Two adults with finger-laced hands on a table on either side of a document


Arbitration is a voluntary and private process where a family law matter is submitted to an arbitrator, who makes a binding decision on legal issues in the case.  Arbitrators have the authority of a judge, but arbitration takes place outside of the courtroom. Arbitration is a creative alternative dispute resolution method that has recently gained popularity. If arbitration is a good fit for your case, our attorneys will work to strategically position your case for the best possible outcome at arbitration.  

Dawn Smith is frequently appointed as an arbitrator in family law matters due to her decades of family law practice and respect from peers in the legal community.  Dawn’s legal background provides her with a unique insight for rendering arbitration decisions that are fair and equitable for Georgia families.   

Please call Evolve Family Law at 404-909-8300 to speak with one of our attorneys about whether arbitration is a good fit for your case.

Image of a hand separating two blocks, one with the image of a dog and car on it and the other with a house and adult and child figures on it.

Pre-Nuptial & Post-Nuptial Agreements

Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements can ensure one’s financial well-being in the event of future divorce. While we understand that our clients do not marry with the intention of later divorce, these agreements often help the divorce process run smoothly and expeditiously if a marriage is unsuccessful. 
To be enforceable, pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements must meet specific criteria.  We carefully to craft enforceable agreements to safeguard your economic interests and preserve their marriage. In the event of later divorce, we also have extensive experience defending or pursuing the enforcement of pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements to protect your interests.
Please call 404-909-8300 to discuss options for a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement with a seasoned Evolve Family Law attorney.

LBGTQ+ Issues

Evolve family law attorneys are proud allies of the LGBTQ+ community. While same-sex marriage is fortunately now recognized as law, there are other circumstances unique to our LGBTQ+ clients requiring special attention.  

Same-sex couples can have differing legal rights to their children depending on the circumstances of a child’s birth. Our attorneys stay at the forefront of new developments in the law that affects our clients and their children.  Custody disputes can also arise for a child identifying as LGBTQ+. Our attorneys are highly regarded in the Atlanta legal community for their expertise in this area.  Regardless of the type of family law matter involved, our attorneys stand ready to provide you with compassionate and expert legal guidance that protects your rights and navigates you forward.   

Please call 404-909-8300 to speak with an Evolve Family Law attorney about your specific needs and goals.

Parent holding child's hand, both with pride bracelets on their wrist.

Grandparents & Third-Party Custody

If you are a grandparent or third-party caregiver seeking custody or visitation, your rights are different from that of a parent, and the circumstances of your case will determine what rights you have. The law in this area is constantly evolving. Our attorneys keep apprised of the changing law and have secured rights for many grandparents and third parties in furtherance of children’s best interests.

Call Evolve Family Law at 404-909-8300 to speak about your situation today.

Grandparent holding grandchild and smiling.


Adoptions are often happy occasions that signal an expanding family. Whether we represent parents, step-parents, grandparents, or other individuals in adoption, Evolve Family Law attorneys are adept at handling all intricacies of adoption law. Adoptions involve significant attention to detail at every turn and our attorneys know exactly how to streamline the process efficiently and expeditiously for families and children.  

Call 404-909-8300 to speak with an Evolve Family Law about your adoption case today.

Parent's hand holding a baby's fist.


Despite their best efforts, courts sometimes make wrong decisions. Our attorneys are well-versed in the complex appellate rules and procedures and our excellent appellate writing and advocacy skills will best position your case for success on appeal.

Call us at 404-909-8300 to discuss options for how to ensure justice is served through your appeal.

Image of gavel

Additional Practice Areas

We can also assist you with separate maintenance, co-habitation agreements, equitable partitions, adult and minor name changes, birth certificate establishments, and post-judgment motions. We have decades of experience in these areas and stand ready to help your achieve your specific goals.

Call 404-909-8300 to speak with an Evolve Family Law about your needs today.

Painted Altanta skyline.


Divorces are one of the hardest life experiences our clients endure. Evolve Family Law attorneys will guide you through the process with compassion and expertise to ensure the protection of your rights and a confident transition into the next phase of your life. As negotiated agreements can lessen the impact of divorce, we strive to resolve your case amicably and efficiently with a favorable settlement.  If settlement is not possible, we will zealously fight for you in court and have earned the respect of judges and local attorneys for our victories. 

Divorces address the division of marital property, child custody, child support, and alimony. Whether your situation is complex or straight-forward, we have decades of experience navigating the issues that arise. We routinely handle complex divorces involving high-assets, separate property, high-conflict custody, business valuations, hidden assets, and domestic violence. Our expert knowledge of the law and local courts informs our strategy to allay your concerns at every step. 

Please call 404-909-8300 to set up an attorney consultation at Evolve Family Law.  Our attorneys want to hear about your unique situation and put your mind at ease in formulating a clear and thoughtful plan of action.
Paper cut out of family with scissors cutting the cutout down the middle.

Child Custody & Parenting Time

We know how important your children are to you and understand the personal and complex nature of child custody disputes. Revered in the metro-Atlanta legal community for their expertise in this area, our attorneys will build the strongest case for a plan that honors the relationship you have with your children, optimizes your time with them, and secures your role in big decisions.

We strive to foster healthy co-parenting relationships for clients and strive to negotiate an agreement in your child’s best interests. If a judge is needed to resolve a custody matter, our attorneys have extensive courtroom experience in high-conflict custody cases and will fight tirelessly for you and your children.   

Evolve Family Law attorneys welcome the opportunity to hear more about your custody or parenting time matter and provide you with a path forward.  Please call us at 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation.
Mother holding and kissing the cheek of child.

Guardian Ad Litem

Guardians ad Litem (GALs) represent the best interests of children in custody disputes.  Appointed by judges in cases with custody issues, GALs investigate and make custody recommendations in furtherance of a child’s best interests.  Once concluded, GAL investigations frequently promote agreements, keeping parties and their families out of court.  We have decades of experience working with GALs in our clients’ cases and serving as GALs when appointed.   

Dawn Smith is widely respected as one of the best GALs in the State of Georgia and has served countless children and families through this role.  She has trained hundreds of GALs in Georgia.  Given Dawn’s invaluable expertise, Evolve Family Law attorneys know exactly how to best position a client’s case for custody when a GAL is involved.   

If you have questions about the Guardian ad Litem process, please call 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation with an Evolve Family Law attorney.
Family with sunset in the background holding paper cutout of a house.

Child Support

Child support is an essential aspect of family law cases involving minor children.  Child support is dependent on state guidelines and based mostly on the incomes of the parties and the needs of the children. Evolve Family Law attorneys are well-versed in the intricacies of child support law and fight to ensure the best outcomes for our clients and their children.  

Child support matters can be nuanced and complex.  To discuss your child support issue and understand your rights, please call 404-909-8300 to set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.
Children laying on the floor with several books and activities.

Property Division

The division of marital property and debt must occur in divorce.  Marital property includes anything obtained by either party during the marriage, with a couple exceptions.  Non-marital property generally is anything obtained by a party before marriage and anything gifted to or inherited by a party during marriage.  In Georgia, marital property and debts are divided equitably, meaning fairly.  

Determining the marital or separate property interests for complex assets like family businesses, restricted stock units, and trusts, for example, require a specialized knowledge of the law and may warrant the use of a forensic accountant.  We have decades of practice representing individuals in both high-asset divorces and divorces with moderate marital estates. We strongly encourage you to consult with one of our experienced attorneys to pursue all options in protecting your financial future.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with us about your needs.
Woman pulling wedding ring off of her ring finger with her hands on a table between a model car and home on either side.


Alimony, also known as spousal support, can be awarded when one spouse is financially dependent on the other. When alimony is awarded, its usual purpose is to assist the recipient spouse until they can become self-sufficient.  The most important factors courts consider in deciding whether to award alimony are a party’s need for alimony and the other party’s ability to pay. Pursuing or defending a claim for alimony is complicated and requires a clear strategic path.  Our attorneys understand the complexities at play and commonly negotiate or litigate successful alimony outcomes for our clients.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with us about your needs.
Pile of open books.


Circumstances can significantly change after a divorce or other final order such that a modification of custody, parenting time, child support, or alimony is needed. For example, material changes impacting the best interests of the children can warrant a modification of custody. Material changes impacting a parent’s income or the needs of the children can require a modification of child support. Our attorneys are seasoned litigators in both the pursuit and defense of modification actions and will ensure that you and your children’s interests are protected.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 if your situation involves a modification action.
Parent pushing child on a bicycle.

Legitimation & Paternity

Many children are born to unwed parents in today’s modern society, and the rights of unwed parents are different than those of married parents. In Georgia, fathers to children born outside of marriage must “legitimate” their children through the courts to secure custody and inheritance rights. Mothers to children born outside of a marriage can seek child support through a paternity action.  Paternity confirms the identity of the biological father. Once paternity is established, child support can be awarded regardless of whether the child has been legitimated.   

We have trusted expertise with the intricacies of Georgia’s unique laws in this area and are highly regarded in the legal community for our work in securing custody and child support rights.   

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with one of our attorneys about your specific needs.
Man and son smiling with son on  father's shoulders.

Domestic Violence & Stalking

Domestic violence and stalking can expose survivors to extreme danger and children to severe trauma.  We can help you obtain safety and economic support through a protective order. Our attorneys are committed to putting an end to the cycle of violence for our clients and have obtained countless protective orders through the courts. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence or stalking, we will fight to protect your rights and reputation.

Our attorneys carefully consider all legal options in determining the best path forward in these cases. If you would like to speak with a Evolve Family Law attorney about domestic violence or stalking, please call 404-909-8300 to setup a consultation.
Purple ribbon on purple background.


A contempt action may be needed if a party refuses to abide by a court order. Judges enforce their court orders in contempt actions and can penalize parties refusing to comply. Whether your contempt action involves custody, child support, domestic violence, property division, or alimony, our attorneys will fight to ensure the enforcement of your court order.

Please call us at 404-909-8300 to speak with an attorney about contempt and the best path forward for you.
Two people standing facing opposite directions with their arms crossed.


At mediation, parties and their attorneys work with a mediator to resolve their family law issue through agreement.  Mediation can occur prior to or during a court case and is a cost-effective way to resolve your case outside of the courtroom. Our attorneys have proven success in negotiating favorable outcomes for clients through mediation. Since resolving family law matters through agreement is often in the best interests of clients and their children, we do everything in our power to craft mediated solutions that protect our clients’ interests.  

Dawn Smith is highly respected by her peers in the legal community as an effective mediator.  Dawn is frequently requested to serve as mediator by prominent family law attorneys due to her decades of family law practice, familiarity with local judges, and expertise regarding special education issues and Guardian ad Litem work.  

Please call 404-909-8300 to learn more about mediation.
Two adults with finger-laced hands on a table on either side of a document


Arbitration is a voluntary and private process where a family law matter is submitted to an arbitrator, who makes a binding decision on legal issues in the case.  Arbitrators have the authority of a judge, but arbitration takes place outside of the courtroom. Arbitration is a creative alternative dispute resolution method that has recently gained popularity. If arbitration is a good fit for your case, our attorneys will work to strategically position your case for the best possible outcome at arbitration.  

Dawn Smith is frequently appointed as an arbitrator in family law matters due to her decades of family law practice and respect from peers in the legal community.  Dawn’s legal background provides her with a unique insight for rendering arbitration decisions that are fair and equitable for Georgia families.   

Please call Evolve Family Law at 404-909-8300 to speak with one of our attorneys about whether arbitration is a good fit for your case.
Image of a hand separating two blocks, one with the image of a dog and car on it and the other with a house and adult and child figures on it.

Pre-Nuptial & Post-Nuptial Agreements

Pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements can ensure one’s financial well-being in the event of future divorce. While we understand that our clients do not marry with the intention of later divorce, these agreements often help the divorce process run smoothly and expeditiously if a marriage is unsuccessful. 
To be enforceable, pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements must meet specific criteria.  We carefully to craft enforceable agreements to safeguard your economic interests and preserve their marriage. In the event of later divorce, we also have extensive experience defending or pursuing the enforcement of pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements to protect your interests. 

Please call 404-909-8300 to discuss options for a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement with a seasoned Evolve Family Law attorney.
Couple embracing at their wedding.

LGBTQ+ Issues

Evolve family law attorneys are proud allies of the LGBTQ+ community. While same-sex marriage is fortunately now recognized as law, there are other circumstances unique to our LGBTQ+ clients requiring special attention.  

Same-sex couples can have differing legal rights to their children depending on the circumstances of a child’s birth. Our attorneys stay at the forefront of new developments in the law that affects our clients and their children. Custody disputes can also arise for a child identifying as LGBTQ+. Our attorneys are highly regarded in the Atlanta legal community for their expertise in this area.  Regardless of the type of family law matter involved, our attorneys stand ready to provide you with compassionate and expert legal guidance that protects your rights and navigates you forward.   

Please call 404-909-8300 to speak with an Evolve Family Law attorney about your specific needs and goals.
Parent holding child's hand, both with pride bracelets on their wrist.

Grandparents & Third-Party Custody

If you are a grandparent or third-party caregiver seeking custody or visitation, your rights are different from that of a parent, and the circumstances of your case will determine what rights you have. The law in this area is constantly evolving. Our attorneys keep apprised of the changing law and have secured rights for many grandparents and third parties in furtherance of children’s best interests.

Call Evolve Family Law at 404-909-8300 to speak about your situation today.
Image of older man holding and smiling at baby.


Adoptions are often happy occasions that signal an expanding family. Whether we represent parents, step-parents, grandparents, or other individuals in adoption, Evolve Family Law attorneys are adept at handling all intricacies of adoption law. Adoptions involve significant attention to detail at every turn and our attorneys know exactly how to streamline the process efficiently and expeditiously for families and children.  

Call 404-909-8300 to speak with an Evolve Family Law about your adoption case today.
Parent's hand holding a baby's fist.


Despite their best efforts, courts sometimes make wrong decisions. Our attorneys are well-versed in the complex appellate rules and procedures and our excellent appellate writing and advocacy skills will best position your case for success on appeal.

Call us at 404-909-8300 to discuss options for how to ensure justice is served through your appeal.
Image of a gavel.

Additional Practice Areas

We can also assist you with separate maintenance, co-habitation agreements, equitable partitions, adult and minor name changes, birth certificate establishments, and post-judgment motions. We have decades of experience in these areas and stand ready to help your achieve your specific goals.

Call 404-909-8300 to speak with an Evolve Family Law about your needs today.
Painted Altanta skyline.

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